Lungs Love
Bovine Colostrum, Lungwort, Plantain Leaf, Mullein, Licorice Roots, Astragalus Roots.
Healthy breathing and patterns are regularly advocated for relaxation, stress management, control of psycho physiological states and to improve organ function. Anatomically speaking there is a favorable equilibrium or balance in breathing healthy. With breathing, which can be easily disrupted by fatigue or prolonged sympathetic (excitatory) nervous system arousal as seen with stress but the most dangerous way that breathing is interfered with, are the pulmonary and respiratory illnesses which affect millions of people around the world, from Asthma, COPD and others more than 3 million Americans die every year due to these disorders. Breathing, called ventilation consists of two phases, inspiration and expiration. During inspiration the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles contract. The diaphragm moves downward increasing the volume of the thoracic (chest) cavity, and the external intercostal muscles pull the ribs up and outward, expanding the rib cage, further increasing this chest volume. This increase of volume lowers the air pressure in the lungs as compared to atmospheric air. Because air always flows from a region of high pressure to an area of lower pressure, it travels in through the body’s conducting airway (nostrils, throat, larynx and trachea) into the alveoli of the lungs. During a resting expiration the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles relax, restoring the thoracic cavity to its original (smaller) volume, and forcing air out of the lungs into the atmosphere. Whereas breathing is involved with the movement of air into and out of the thoracic cavity, respiration involves the exchange of gases in the lungs. Now one can see all of the processes and moving parts of each breath that we take and that is why being able to breathe healthy is so important, the ingredients within Lungs Love have centuries of history in helping the proper function of lungs and the respiratory system. Following read about the known benefits of each of the ingredients in Lungs Love.
Bovine Colostrum
Bovine Colostrum has been the subject of numerous studies aimed at combating respiratory problems such as Upper Respiratory Syndrome and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD resulting in promising data for individuals suffering these health problems. In one study. In a clinical trial, 144 healthy adults, aged 30-80, were divided into four groups (no prophylaxis; vaccine and colostrum; only colostrum; only vaccinated against the influenza virus). The groups of participants who received either colostrum alone or colostrum plus vaccine had significantly less flu episodes and fewer days with the disease symptoms than groups with no colostrum supplementation. In the same study, the authors observed that end-stage coronary patients or patients with pulmonary hypertension and patients with severe cardiovascular problems registered fewer flu episodes and fewer hospital admissions when supplemented with colostrum compared to the group which only received the vaccine. These results suggest that the use of colostrum can be combined with the annual influenza vaccine in specific patient groups. Bovine colostrum is also a favoured supplement of athletes as it has been found to be effective in maintaining respiratory cell wall integrity. The author in his studies done at the Department of Medicine, Bombay.
In another study named: Bovine colostrum: an emerging nutraceutical by Scientists Siddhi Bagwe, Leo J P Tharappel, Ginpreet Kaur, Harpal S Buttar.
Nutraceutical, a term combining the words “nutrition” and “pharmaceuticals”, is a food or food product that provides health benefits as an adjuvant or alternative therapy, including the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases in children and adults. There is emerging evidence that bovine colostrum (BC) may be one of the promising nutraceuticals which can prevent or mitigate various diseases in newborns and adults. Immunity-related disorders are one of the leading causes of mortality in the world. BC is rich in immunity, growth and antimicrobial factors, which promote tissue growth and the maturation of digestive tract and immune function in neonatal animals and humans. The immunoglobulins and lactoferrin present in colostrum are known to build natural immunity in newborns which helps to reduce the mortality rate in this population. Also, the side-effect profile of colostrum proteins and possible lactose intolerance is relatively less in comparison with milk. In general, BC is considered safe and well tolerated. Since colostrum has several important nutritional constituents, well-designed, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies with colostrum products are under way.
Lungwort is a plant. The parts that grow above the ground are used to make medicine. People take lungwort to treat breathing conditions, stomach and intestinal ailments, and kidney and urinary tract problems. Lungwort is also used in cough medicines, to relieve fluid retention, and to treat lung diseases such as tuberculosis. Some people apply lungwort directly to the skin as a drying agent (astringent) and to treat wounds.
Plantain Leaf
In human studies, plantain has been effective for chronic bronchitis, asthma, cough, and cold. Clinical studies show that psyllium seed is useful as a bulk laxative. Many reports on psyllium have concluded that it can be helpful in treating various hyperlipidemias. A polyphenolic compound from P. major leaves was found to exhibit cholesterol-lowering activity. In addition, the mechanism by which plantago reduces cholesterol also may include enhancement of cholesterol elimination as fecal bile acids. Research reveals no information regarding the use of plantain as an anticancer agent.
Common mullein (Verbascum thapsus L.) is a medicinal plant readily found in roadsides, meadows and pasture lands and has been used to treat pulmonary problems, inflammatory diseases, asthma, spasmodic coughs, diarrhoea and migraine headaches. Although it has been used medicinally since ancient times, the popularity of common mullein has been increasing commercially for the past few years. Today, the dried leaves and flowers, swallow capsules, alcohol extracts and the flower oil of this plant can easily be found in health stores in the United States. The use of common mullein extracts in folk medicine begun recently to be supported by an increasing number of research studies. This paper thoroughly reviews all the scientific research related to Verbascum thapsus L. including plant tissue cultures and the biological properties of this plant.
Astragalus Roots
Oxidative stress plays a key role in the pathogenesis of various diseases. Antioxidants protect the cells and tissues from oxidative stress by scavenging free radicals and reactive oxygen species. These antioxidants may be endogenous or exogenous. Plants are considered as potential and powerful exogenous source of antioxidants. Astragalus species (spp.), especially Astragalus membranaceus, have a long history of medicinal use in traditional Chinese medicine. Specifically, constituents of the dried roots of Astragalus spp. (Radix Astragali) provide significant protection against heart, brain, kidney, intestine, liver and lung injury in various models of oxidative stress-related disease. Different isolated constituents of Astragalus spp., such as astragalosides, flavonoids and polysaccharides also displayed significant prevention of tissue injury via antioxidant mechanisms. In this article, the antioxidant benefits of Astragalus and its isolated components in protecting tissues from injury are reviewed, along with identification of the various constituents that possess antioxidant activity.
Licorice Roots
The following is an abstract from the NIH website in the US.
The phytotherapeutic properties of Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice) extract are mainly attributed to glycyrrhizin (GR) and glycyrrhetinic acid (GA). Among their possible pharmacological actions, the ability to act against viruses belonging to different families, including SARS coronavirus, is particularly important. With the COVID-19 emergency and the urgent need for compounds to counteract the pandemic, the antiviral properties of GR and GA, as pure substances or as components of licorice extract, attracted attention in the last year and supported the launch of two clinical trials. In silico docking studies reported that GR and GA may directly interact with the key players in viral internalization and replication such as angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), spike protein, the host transmembrane serine protease 2, and 3-chymotrypsin-like cysteine protease. In vitro data indicated that GR can interfere with virus entry by directly interacting with ACE2 and spike, with a nonspecific effect on cell and viral membranes. Additional anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of GR cannot be excluded. These multiple activities of GR and licorice extract are critically re-assessed in this review, and their possible role against the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 and the features of COVID-19 disease is discussed.
Important Read: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This products does not intent to diagnose, cure or treat any disease. Always consult a health care professional before taking this or any dietary supplement.